Now is the Time to Pivot, Not Panic.

Ingrid Riley
6 min readApr 1, 2020

With everything going on there’s a reality we have to acknowledge: this is business and life unusual. The world, business, and life are constantly changing and more than ever. But what would it look like to pivot your business and let go of the idea that you need to panic? Even if you’re like, “I have no clue and it feels really overwhelming…“ Are you open to the idea?

I had to be.

It’s been 3 weeks of quarantine at home in Kingston since the Government of Jamaica started stringent measures to lessen the spread of Covid19. Most days I’m pretty good at it. Other times, it’s a rollercoaster of emotions in a single day- swinging from optimistic and focused to flat out WTF and wanting to curl up on my sofa. I know I’m not alone with this and if you’re self-employed or an entrepreneur, this layers on another level of — is this really happening?

I had started Rebel Grrl & Co. late last year, fresh off a year-long sabbatical I took to recover from this second burnout to get some rest, reflect and figure out what I wanted to do next and how and it had to be every different that before. I had charged myself to figuring out that mixture of passion, profit, and wellness — where I still have time, location, travel and financial freedom like never before. This second burnout came after over 15 years in the Caribbean tech space as a Startup Ecosystem Pioneer, Digital Strategist, and Tech Blogger. And if you’re familiar with burnouts — it’s when you lose your joy, your clarity, and your money because you’ve been doing too much and not taking care of yourself.

Rebel Grrl & Co was positioned initially as a rainmaker and digital consultancy focused on helping women to merge unconventional business, tech and wellness strategies to grow their business and live life on their own terms. It was to work in tandem with the non-profit- Caribbean Women in Tech my co-founders and I launched.

In February I had kickstarted the business and locked in a couple of year-long contracts tied to the Events and Tourism industries, then, Covid19. Of course, that money and my pipeline blew up…poof!!! So it was a helluva gut punch. It was like emerging confidently like Usain Bolt out of the blocks, only to have someone step into your lane and trip you as you gained momentum. I had to take a seat, go to a deserted piece of beach to breeze out my brain, swallow, recover and think things through.

Be Radically Honest With Yourself

Are you willing to ask those tough questions, stay hungry and not care what other people think?

COVID-19 is an unprecedented disruptor. Even as I am grateful daily that I am very healthy and safe. Everything in business changed for me, I lost money, was going to finishing passing off some debt, move into my apt. But my pipeline died, so did my 2020 plans, so what do I now and what is my next right step?

This is where you are forced to face yourself and ask — are you sure about your business intentions? Are you happy with how you were doing your business? Are you thinking too narrow, too small, too local? In what areas were you dragging your feet or not risking enough? Do you need to ask for and get help to get clear and get clients?

I went through this rollercoaster for 3 weeks and with the help of doubling down on daily meditation ( up to 40 minutes) and being more consistent with my CDB oil- before I could see this as a massive opportunity.

“ Upheaval, challenges and a down economy are not your enemies. This is the greatest eCommerce opportunity in history!” — Michelle Messina

Fact is, a lot of people are going to remain closed and fearful, this is now the game for the resilient, focused and hungry, who can see a pile of rubble and have the courage to make something from scratch, again — without taking it too personally.

Have the Courage to Pivot

My answers came just this week and after listening online, reading and researching. I sat down and audited my skills, past client list, my network and reminded myself that my talents, digital, strategy and business skills, 15 years experience ( 90s dot com crash, 2007/8 recession, etc) and industry currency still mattered. I still have lots of value to give.

Plus now that the world just went online in massive numbers, there are going to be a bunch of people and businesses that need help to navigate all things Digital in a strategic, targeted and sustainable way. And knowing digital — as a seasoned practitioner, with lots of historical contexts, having worked with over 50 Caribbean brands already, having loads of experience and fresh skills. Yep — it’s one of my superpowers.

Yet scenarios like this do call of you to ask more tough questions:

  • What I can remain passionate about and what does the world needs now and years from now and willing to pay me for- very well and on time?
  • How can I attract better clients and projects?
  • How can you take your skills to new markets?
  • Who else needs this product or service?
  • Is a mini or light version of the product or service possible?
  • How much are you willing to learn and change?

I decided to pivot, well, it’s not like I had a choice. LOL.

I started by creating a new narrative which would then lead to me working on a fresh targeted sales approach. Because yes, regardless of the shit show that is the business world right now -there are a lot of businesses around the world that have money, that need to rethink where to spend it and act fast-especially after they’ve taken care of its employees.

  • My Old Narrative: I’m the Founder of “Rebel Grrl & Co. is a rainmaker and digital consultancy focused on making things happen for Caribbean Women in this Digital Economy. We work with women to leverage Unconventional Business, Digital and Wellness Strategies, and tools to grow their business and brands, live life well and on their own terms. We love the rebels, misfits, trendsetters, ruckus makers and rule-breakers…who are really Rebel Grrls reimagining things for the better.
  • My New Narrative: I am the Founder REBEL GRRL & Co. is a global digital consultancy that helps businesses make a successful and strategic shift to the digital economy through coaching, consulting and training services. We’re working with brands in Health and Wellness, Online Education and training, eCommerce, Food and Beverage, Medical Cannabis, Online Events, Digital Media, CyberSecurity and Women-focused Sectors.
  • Then I Changed everything with my name:, Linkedin/Twitter/Instagram profile, blogs, etc.

This is something that you will have to do now. Are you willing to “wheel and come again”, as we’d say in Jamaica, which is our phrase for starting over and pivoting? Are you willing to do this as many times as you need to in order to succeed- all while ignoring the fearful voices in your head and the doubting Thomases that may be around you.

Remain Focused and Flexible

The charge to you, as well as myself, is to be even more bold, experimental and innovative than I’ve ever been. This environment demands nothing less. I’m also leveraging my global network in ways I’ve never done before- not just by networking UP to people ahead of me, but also to network across, to people like me who are driven and willing to collaborate in ways we’ve never thought of before.

I’m been listening and observing a lot online via hashtags, webinars, reading social media comments, blogs, email newsletters, online magazines, podcasts to the pain points people are having and seeing how I can be of greatest value.

I’m also continuing to do free strategy sessions with individuals who need guidance and tools to get their heads back in the game and answer their most pressing problem and guiding them to take their best next step.

Covid19 is a test for us all, to see how well and how quickly we adapt and bounceback, bloodied yes, but even more determined than before, to not just merely survive, but thrive through this and beyond this.

Las’ Lick…a.k. a Jamaican for, One Last Thing.

-no positive idea or new business comes from panic.

-beautiful things are still happening all around us, we just need to tune into them. ⠀

-we’re all going to make mistakes during this time, own up to them, and keep moving forward.

“What good is an idea if it remains an idea? Try. Experiment. Iterate. Fail. Try again. Change the world.” — Simon Sinek



Ingrid Riley

Founder — Rebel Grrl Media + Rebel Grrl Studios | @SiliconCaribe Tech Maven | Working Remotely since ’07 | Event Producer | Podcaster | Speaker |